



Man driving


We believe that you, our customer, deserve a team of loyal and committed professionals every time you contact us.  We will never bounce you into voice mail or make you navigate an endless menu of touch tone options.  A customer service representative is always available and will call you back within an hour.

Premier customer service is out goal.


FSI Logistics is a Third-Party Logistics company (3PL) servicing the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. We are family owned and operated.  We have been doing business since 1990 and continue to grow as a (3PL)

We care what we do.


We believe that you, our customer, deserve a team of loyal and committed professionals every time you contact us.  We will never bounce you into voice mail or make you navigate an endless menu of touch tone options.  A customer service representative is always available and will call you back within an hour.


Premier customer service is out goal
